
Piano in Design

This time I want share you some pic about "Piano in Design" ~ :D

1. Gary Pons Grand Piano (Luxury French Piano ^^)


2. KAWAI Crystal II Glad Grand Piano CR-40a (Made from acrylic, with price around 2B in my currency ^^")

3. TUTS (From spoons and forks composition)

4. Porsche Upright Piano

5.Rippen Alumunium Piano

6. Rocking Grand Piano

7. SCHIMMEL - Pegasus Grand Piano (Color options: White, Black, Red; But I love white most ~ ^^)

8. Seller Suspension Piano

9. The Six Keyboard Musitronic (Can U imagine how 6 people play this one in the same time?? ^^ lol)

 10. House of Piano in China  (Cool ~ ^^   I ♥ this one)

11. The Wooden Tuts (I don't know what kind piano it is... But I think it's COOL~!!)

12. Apostol Tnokovski Hydro Piano

13.  SCHIMMEL - Bauhaus Grand Piano (What a unique design~!!   XD lol)

14. SCHIMMEL Crystal Grand Piano

 15. Daeliesque Piano (This is the strangest one I have ever seen~!! I wonder how to play it  O__O ???)

Which one do U like most?  =D
lol ^^

2 komentar:

  1. piano yoshiki yang crystal bid awalnya ratusan juta lo...gataw tah beresnya brp. mahal bgt sia...dilelang

  2. Harga baru yang sekarang buat ver Kawai Crystal skitar 2M Pei :D
    Org Cipaganti ada yg punya loh ^^ hehehe
    Sekarang masih rare yg ver Crystal gtu klo d Indo
    Harus pesen ke Ausi,terakhir kali setau g seh gtu... =3

    (Ga kebayang bea masukny brapa ya itu??? Kirim Grand Piano... =__=" )

    Tapi stau g yg paling mahal buat ver Crystal untk skrg ini tuh keluaran Heintzman.. Harganya $3.22M
